Task 4: Part 1, Mapping Cultural Ecology and Cultural Critique

This exercise to create a mind map of the Cultural and Creative Industries has illustrated just how many disciplines overlap and are connected to, and influenced by societal factors. as John Holden states ‘this is a messy eco-system’! It was very difficult to categorise creative sectors into specific areas, requiring lengthy reflection as to how to format this mind map.

I decided to use what I believe to be the key areas with examples disciplines within these areas.

Then other aspects needed consideration, how the creative industries are affected by the society we live in and its functionality, such as Government Policy, Technological advances or Education – all of which have cultural currency and highlight the organic nature of the Creative and Cultural Industries.

For a very current example; the unexpected event of the Corona Virus Pandemic, how this has affected our lives in relation to the economy, our working methods, our sense of peace, relationships and perpetuated a shift our life priorities and perspectives. This has influenced our creativity on a personal level and in a commercial and within the Arts. Elevating the necessity to be aware of wellbeing and since restrictions have lifted there has been another shift in perspective. In terms of my own work I have seen a great increase in people wishing to be creative and crafty, combined with the need for social contact for those now working from home.

From this reflection, I also realised that the common denomator transversing the Creative sectors and Societal factors – every aspect of this mind map is Wellbeing.

Our sense of peace is affected by our environment; how we inhabit public spaces, our domestic spaces and the workplace. Our happiness influences the choice of clothes we wear, how we interact with each other on social media, our sociability. Technological advances that help us with showing and documenting our work and sociability, education.

This has made me think about how my work can affect wellbeing, my own personal wellbeing in terms of being creative but also how my work can affect the wellbeing of the individual that wears it, the joy of wearing an artwork, the confidence and feeling of wearing a beautifully fitted garment, the admiration of others and a sense of unique individuality.

So where do I fit in to these Creative and Cultural Industries?